Monday, October 7, 2013

Financial Support 101

Hello friends.

As we have been sharing about what our family will be doing in Costa Rica, we have realized that many people are not familiar with how we will support ourselves while we are there.  (Support is just a fancy way of saying how we will pay the bills). 

Neither of us will have paying jobs while we are there.  For the first 6 months we will be living in the city of San Jose learning the language and culture of the people we will be serving.  We both need to be fully available to home school our children and to assist with the weekly mission teams.  As this is happening, the Children’s Ranch (orphanage/foster care facility) will be under construction.  We will soon move into a house at the Ranch and will become ‘Mom & Dad’ to several young Costa Rican boys.  Again, we need to be fully available to love these children (and our own 4 kids) and to help work the ranch.

How will this work? 
Many churches provide financial support to families that are out showing the love of God to people.  We have been fortunate to have contacts with several churches who are helping to provide us with some of the monthly expenses that we will have.  Even with that financial support from churches, we will still need more to provide for our basic living and travel expenses.  That is where individuals play a huge role in the lives of missionaries. 

If you are able to make a tax-deductible donation, it will be very helpful and appreciated, and it will allow us to do the very important work that we feel that God wants us to do.  Some people are able to make a one-time donation and others are able to provide a monthly amount.  Even if you cannot afford a financial gift, we would still love to have you follow our journey and pray for our family and for the children that we will be helping.

Although we are not moving until July 2014, in the months prior, we will need to show that we have enough monthly support coming in to sustain us once we move.  This also allows us to save up enough money for the cost of moving our family of 6 down to Costa Rica.

Please click on the ‘Support Us’ link on the right side of the page for more details.  If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email to or give us a call.

Thank you for your support!!

Rob & Yvonne

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