This afternoon I brought the kids up the river a little ways
to a spot where there is small alcove where the water pools up and it is very
calm and safe for swimming.
As I sat on the edge of the river I thought of how
many thousands of gallons of water rush past Living Waters Children’s Ranch
each day and how there seems to be no end to the water supply. It reminded me
of a song that I learned as a child from the musical “I am God’s Project”. The
Lyrics to the song go like this…
Give your candy bar to me
That’s the last of it you’ll see
Love is just the opposite
You can’t give too much of it.
G.L.Y.S.D.I God Loves You And So Do I
Pass it around it will come back to you.
The river is an excellent reminder of God’s abundant love
for us and how through Him we too have an abundance of love to share with
others. This is what we strive to do
here at 6:8 Ministries and what we have begun doing here at the Children’s
Ranch. We moved onto the Ranch almost full time the first week of
February. We live there on weekdays and
travel back to the city on weekends to help with the Saturday feeding center
and anything else they need our help with. The children started school at Green
Valley Bi-Lingual School on February 9th, the first day of the
school year in Costa Rica.

It was a rough first couple of weeks since Spanish
is spoken 80 percent of the time. They
have begun to make some friends and are getting used to the rapid Spanish that
is spoken all day long. The kids are learning new words and phrases every day
and I am a little jealous that they will be fluent in Spanish before long. I
have to say that we are quite proud of the kids for sticking with it and really
trying their best to follow along and achieve. Thank you all for your prayers.
We feel them and are encouraged by them.
Last week was a very exciting week for us with 4 visitors
from Connecticut. Jaylyn, from our home church Valley Brook Community Church
began interning for us here at 6:8 Ministries.
She just finished up a 6 month training in Costa Rica with YWAM and
decided to spend 2 months serving with us before going back to CT and preparing
for College. We are so excited and blessed to have her. Our friend Ellie, from
our home town has been serving with YWAM in Costa Rica for the last 18 months,
came to visit us with her father, Kevin.
It was so great to see old friends and
reminisce. Abby’s grandmother, Judy, also visited with us for the week.
We have
been looking forward to this visit since she booked the tickets last Summer. It
looks like she picked the perfect time with record low temperatures and record high
snowfalls in Connecticut this winter. While it was a vacation for her relaxing
in the river and soaking up the sun, she also spent a lot of time helping us
out with staining trim boards, cooking meals, and spending time with her
granddaughter. We really appreciated her visit and Abby especially enjoyed the
special time she got to spend with her Grandma.
Two weeks ago we began laying the foundation for a building
that we will first use as a much needed shed since all of our tools, and
supplies were stored in the kitchen. This building will eventually serve as a
guard house for security once the Ranch is up and running. Thanks to our Tico workers
and our CT friends, we are amazed to say that we completed the building last
Thursday and moved all of the tools, lawnmower, weed wackers, wood, etc. out of
the kitchen and into the shed. Yay God! The
kitchen staff will be so excited when they see it!
God has been so good! We continue to be amazed and blessed
to see how God provides exactly what we need in the moment that we need it. Our
latest little God moment happened last Monday morning when we woke up to
yelping outside.
We went out to find a puppy on our porch. Nobody knows where
it came from and none of our neighbors admit to dropping her off. The puppy
appears to be a mix of German Shepherd and an unknown other breed. The God
thing is that Rob and I have been promising the kids a dog for years and said
once we move onto the Ranch we will get one. Well, last weekend we decided to
seriously start looking for a large dog that would serve as a guard dog and we
specifically mentioned a German Shepherd. It looks like this puppy made our
search easy. She found us and she seems to be a perfect fit. She has shown her
protective characteristics, by barking and letting us know when people come
onto the property but is very patient and gentle with the kids. She stuck
around all week so we decided to take her home to the city with us over the
weekend and bring her to a Vet. Sadie is now on a vaccination schedule and we
are claiming her as our own.
Prayer requests:
- Please continue to pray for the kids and their adjustment to
a mainly Spanish speaking school. Pray that God would give them a supernatural
understanding of the language. Rob and I could use a little of that prayer tooJ
- Please also pray for us as we move forward with construction
on the Ranch. Much prayer is needed as
we continue to work with the municipality and try to get through the red tape
in order to get the permits necessary for building the family houses that will
eventually house the foster/orphan children and their host families.
- God’s abundant love.
- That the kids are adjusting remarkably well to their new
- For our visitors from Connecticut.
- For the completion of our much needed shed!!!
- For all the stars in the sky that are now appearing at the ranch (see post from September 29, 2014)
Serving Him.